
'threw' in a sentence

Learn how to use 'threw' with 20 example sentences.

  • Who threw a stone at my dog?
  • He threw the banana away.
  • She threw her drinking husband out of the house.
  • He threw all of his books away.
  • The cops threw tear-gas bombs into the building.
  • I threw away my shoes.
  • Someone threw a rock at her.
  • He threw his credit cards into the fire.
  • The teacher was really upset and threw Johnny out of class.
  • He threw a stone into the pond.
  • The boy threw a paper airplane at the teacher.
  • The child threw a stone at the cat.
  • He threw a snowball at me.
  • She threw herself at him and kissed him passionately.
  • The child threw a tantrum because he wanted the toy.
  • They threw their hats up into the air.
  • People threw eggs at the politician.
  • I threw it in the river.
  • Many threw themselves into the sea.
  • She threw herself into her work.
  • Words near 'threw' in the dictionary