
'receive' in a sentence

Learn how to use 'receive' with 20 example sentences.

receive verb

: get something; come into possession of

: receive a specified treatment (abstract)

: register (perceptual input)

: go through (mental or physical states or experiences)

: express willingness to have in one's home or environs

: accept as true or valid

: bid welcome to; greet upon arrival

: convert into sounds or pictures

: experience as a reaction

: have or give a reception

: receive as a retribution or punishment

: partake of the Holy Eucharist sacrament

: regard favorably or with disapproval

  • Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize in 1921.
  • I received your message yesterday.
  • Have you ever received treatment for a sexually transmitted disease?
  • I received your letter yesterday.
  • What's the best Christmas present you've ever received?
  • Did you receive your flu shot this season?
  • I received a letter from my sister.
  • After receiving the news, the woman tried to commit suicide.
  • I received three threatening phone calls this morning.
  • Everyone has received a sufficient amount of food and clothing.
  • I prefer giving gifts to receiving them.
  • All participants will receive a T-shirt.
  • I receive information from a variety of sources.
  • I received a letter informing me of his arrival.
  • Did you receive an invitation?
  • You should receive them by the end of the week.
  • Who do you expect to receive Christmas presents from?
  • The perpetrators received a well-deserved punishment.
  • It's our dream that our children receive a good education.
  • We received instructions on how to make a bamboo basket.
  • Words related to 'receive'

    Words near 'receive' in the dictionary