
'establish' in a sentence

Learn how to use 'establish' with 20 example sentences.

establish verb

: set up or found

: set up or lay the groundwork for

: establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment

: institute, enact, or establish

: bring about

: place

: build or establish something abstract

: use as a basis for; found on

  • Everyone is expected to abide by the company's established rules.
  • The town was established in the 18th century.
  • They have established a new government.
  • Can we establish a human settlement on Mars?
  • Our ultimate goal is to establish world peace.
  • They have enough capital to establish another factory.
  • Let's establish some ground rules.
  • You'll have to establish residence here before you can vote.
  • You can't establish a company without people.
  • Disneyland was established in 1955.
  • This company was established in 1930.
  • The gang established their base at an abandoned building.
  • To be successful, you have to establish a good plan.
  • Newton established the law of gravity.
  • They established official relations in 1979.
  • The police established that Dan acted within the bounds of self-defense.
  • Police soon established it wasn't an accidental fire.
  • They have run this small hotel since it was established.
  • Iran and Russia will establish a joint bank.
  • Our school was established in 1951.
  • Words related to 'establish'

    Words near 'establish' in the dictionary