
'electronic' in a sentence

Learn how to use 'electronic' with 14 example sentences.

electronic adjective

: of or relating to electronics; concerned with or using devices that operate on principles governing the behavior of electrons

: of or concerned with electrons

  • The first electronic computer was produced in our country in 1941.
  • Clive wants to be an electronic engineer.
  • I don't know anything about electronics.
  • Please turn off your electronic devices.
  • Electronic news media is our primary source of information.
  • He has no equal in the field of electronics.
  • When a new electronic device is released, everyone goes crazy.
  • The dashboard of this car is completely electronic.
  • Who sends letters by mail? These days we have electronic mail.
  • This electronic toilet comes with all sorts of bells and whistles.
  • There's a huge mark up on imported electronic goods.
  • All electronic devices must be checked with the guard.
  • What's your favorite brand of electronics?
  • On my desk there are many electronic devices.
  • Words near 'electronic' in the dictionary