
'claim' in a sentence

Learn how to use 'claim' with 20 example sentences.

claim noun

: an assertion of a right (as to money or property)

: an assertion that something is true or factual

: demand for something as rightful or due

: an informal right to something

: an established or recognized right

: a demand

claim verb

: assert or affirm strongly; state to be true or existing

: demand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to

: ask for legally or make a legal claim to, as of debts, for example

: lay claim to; as of an idea

: take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs

  • They claim that they acted in self defense.
  • She claims she never said that.
  • He claimed he saw a UFO.
  • He claimed he acted alone.
  • The evidence doesn't support the claim.
  • She claims that she knows nothing about him.
  • Where do I claim my baggage?
  • Their daughter claims to see monsters.
  • Don't believe people who claim that they know everything.
  • He claims that doesn't bother him.
  • He claims that he's happy.
  • He claims that he is a painter.
  • He claimed to be an expert in finance.
  • They claim they were busy.
  • They claimed that Harrison could not read or write.
  • Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
  • Linda claimed she was pregnant to force Dan into marriage.
  • She claimed to be the owner of the land.
  • The Sun has never claimed that the newspaper is error-free.
  • She claims that she'll start the report tomorrow.
  • Words related to 'claim'

    Words near 'claim' in the dictionary