
'cellphone' in a sentence

Learn how to use 'cellphone' with 18 example sentences.

cellphone noun

: a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver

  • There's no cellphone coverage in this area.
  • Do you have a cellphone?
  • Please turn off your cellphone.
  • I almost dropped my cellphone into the pool.
  • Cellphones and computers are everywhere.
  • My cellphone has been stolen.
  • My cellphone charger broke down.
  • I'm looking for my cellphone.
  • Can I borrow your cellphone, please?
  • Do you think I can use my cellphone in the shower?
  • Right at that time the cellphone rang.
  • The cellphone came with several applications already pre-installed.
  • With any luck, my cellphone battery won't die.
  • Walking on a train platform while using your cellphone is very dangerous.
  • I'm watching the game on my cellphone.
  • If there's any problem, you can reach me on my cellphone.
  • She can't stand light, not even the light from a cellphone.
  • This cellphone is really expensive.
  • Words near 'cellphone' in the dictionary